Composition | Sound art | Field recording



bunú (Aidan Deery, Matilde Meireles)

Digital release

55 mins. composition using field recordings

Released by Sonic Terrain


Lagan:Behind re-imagines the intricate, complex soundscape of the area around a particular bridge which links the Lagan towpath to the meadows, a route well known to Belfast’s walkers and cyclists.

We recorded extensively at a set location over a six-month period, allowing us to experience the sonic environment: an ever-changing rural scene alive with birdsong and the flowing Lagan, coloured with subtle reminders of its proximity to urban Belfast. Over time, various perspectives slowly blend and develop. It is hoped that through listening one can find new ways to engage with this rural area right on Belfast’s doorstep.

bunú is a field recording duo. They use field recording to explore particular places through extended listening.

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